
A Play to Earn Web3 strategy game Ready for a challenge?

Welcome to BattleFly

Step into the exciting world of BattleFly Battlegrounds, the ultimate Web3 idle strategy game built on blockchain technology. Immerse yourself in a play-to-earn experience like no other where your in-game actions can earn you real-world value.

In Season One the action takes place in two exciting arenas - the Proving Grounds and the Hyperdome. Engage in idle strategy gameplay, gather resources, optomize mod combinations and outwit your opponents to claim your share of the rewards.

Enter the Hyperdome and join the action!

The BattleFly - A beautiful Assassin

Each BattleFly is a one-of-a-kind blend of brutal power and stunning beauty with the potential to deliver a positive return on investment.

A BattleFly's value is determined by many factors and not rarity alone. Utilizing quality mods with strong synergy is key, making both common and uncommon models capable of dominating the game.

Enter the Hyperdome and join the action!

Play to Earn

Ready to join the action? Here's how you can play and win in BattleFly Battlegrounds.

Our matchmaking system will pit you against other BattleFlys in intense PVP battles. Before each battle, both players will stake a small amount of the in-game currency, MAGIC, on the outcome. If you come out on top, you'll receive your opponent's staked MAGIC. Players with a win % greater than 53% will steadily grow their earnings as they will accumulate more Magic than they lose.

However, be mindful of your strategy and the strategy of others - playing without a solid plan or with a poorly equipped BattleFly will result in a gradual loss of your staked MAGIC over time.

Image of $Magic token and GFLY token

Secured by GFLY and powered by MAGIC

BattleFly is powered by $Magic, a currency purpose built to enable econimic and narrative based connection and compatability across a variety of games and metaverses. Through a shared token and resources, each game within the Treasure Dao ecosystem strengthens and supports one another.

gFLY is a governance token that runs the BattleFly network, including Games, Treasury and Flywheel Staking. To make the network go, gFLY holders are rewarded for staking and providing security to the network.

You can buy $MAGIC on SushiSwap and GLFY on MagicSwap